Compensation fund

Hawks forex is a member of the Financial Commission, an international organization engaged in the resolution of disputes in the financial services industry for the forex market.

At Hawks Forex, we are committed to ensuring a fair and transparent trading environment for our clients. That’s why we are proud to be a member of the Financial Commission, an independent external dispute resolution (EDR) organization.

The Financial Commission serves as a neutral third-party committee dedicated to reviewing and resolving complaints in a fair and efficient manner. Our goal is to provide a simpler and swifter resolution process compared to industry regulators and the legal system.

Here’s how it works:

The Commission ensures that traders and brokers have their disputes resolved promptly, impartially, and authentically. To further protect traders, the Commission maintains a Compensation Fund, acting as an insurance policy for our clients.

Key points about the Compensation Fund:

  • The fund is held separately in a bank account and is only accessed if a member fails to comply with a judgment from the Financial Commission.
  • It is financed by allocating 10% of the monthly membership dues paid by members.
  • The fund covers judgments issued by the Financial Commission, with a maximum coverage of €20,000 per client.

Please note:

  • The Compensation Fund does not cover losses incurred during self-directed trading.
  • It also does not extend to cover an entire broker’s client base in the event of insolvency.

For more detailed information, please visit the Financial Commission’s website and refer to our Client Agreement.

At Hawks Forex, we prioritize the protection and satisfaction of our clients, and our partnership with the Financial Commission underscores our commitment to uphold the highest standards of integrity and fairness in the industry.